After over a decade of chance encounters with yoga asana classes, Renee found herself signed up for an Iyengar Yoga series in 2000. It was in this series with a master teacher that she began to deeply experience the transformative effects of a consistent, diligent yoga practice. Practicing yoga has been a profoundly empowering experience for her and she aims to share a sense of wonder and empowerment with each of her students.She teaches yoga to adults, children, and families. With adults her classes are anatomically focused explorations of movement and action in the body. When teaching children she embraces fun, age appropriate yoga that encourages kids to develop healthy and peaceful minds and bodies. Her sense of humor infuses her approach to life, including her practice and teaching. By approaching the asana practice in a humorous, playful and light-hearted way, she hopes to find the depth of human experience that we all share.